
Message from RCPCH Officer for Clinical Standards and Quality Improvement

The RCPCH has recognised and fully endorsed the concept of Quality Improvement in addition to Clinical Audit as tools to improve the experience and outcomes of the children and families we care for.

By Megan · March 15, 2019

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to QI Central, our online College portal for Quality Improvement. The RCPCH has recognised and fully endorsed the concept of Quality Improvement in addition to Clinical Audit as tools to improve the experience and outcomes of the children and families we care for. This resource was developed to support the college in delivering the core principles of quality improvement described in our Quality Improvement Strategy document which are:

Leadership: Being at the forefront of quality improvement in paediatrics and child health, supporting its members and the wider child health workforce to be individual leaders.

Engagement: With everyone involved in the health and wellbeing of infants, children and young people in the delivery of this framework, co-producing solutions with children, young people, their parents and carers. The RCPCH will engage and support partner organisations including healthcare providers and specialty groups.

Support and Education: Enabling and supporting existing networks, collaboratives, specialty groups and initiatives in paediatric and child health, providing wider opportunities to develop and share best practice and a robust quality improvement education programme.

Monitoring and Improvement: Using robust monitoring and evaluation activity to ensure the framework is delivered, refined, and approved as appropriate.

Evidence-Based: The RCPCH will ensure that all activity is evidence-based (i.e. informed by robust research and, where appropriate, practice-informed consensus). Quality improvement activity will also contribute to setting research priorities.

As this portal develops and content is added, we expect this to be an important resource for anyone working with children and families considering a Quality Improvement project. As a first step and very much in the spirit of co-producing solutions, we will publish Quality Improvement projects carried out by our members and our patients that have been submitted to us. Submitted projects will be peer reviewed against a clear set of criteria  before publication.

This is a resource in the process of development. Please feel free to support us with ideas, advice and suggestions. As a QI related project, we expect to have to make changes as we learn!

With best regards,

Dr John Alexander