
QI at the RCPCH Conference and Exhibition 2019

As ever, we have a robust and inspiring programme of sessions for you at the 2019 RCPCH Annual Conference in Birmingham.

By Megan · March 5, 2019

13th of May, 14.30 – 17.45 – Embedding a Culture of Quality Improvement

Our flagship symposium featuring the authors of the top scoring QI abstracts submitted this year. We will also have our keynote speaker, Dr Jonny Taitz, Director of Paediatric Patient Safety at the NSW Clinical Excellence Commission, Australia as well as guest speakers Dr Fiona Campbell, Leeds Children’s Hospital, presenting on the RCPCH Quality Programme in Diabetes and Rachel MacDonnell, the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland, presenting on the SAFE programme in the Republic of Ireland. Dr Peter Lachman, CEO of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua), will chair.


14th of May, 11.35 – 13.00 – Quality and Safety of UHC is a Public Health Issue

This session will be organised jointly with the British Association of Child and Adolescent Public Health (BACAPH) and focus on the provision of quality Universal Health Coverage (UHC), in line with the current WHO campaign. Keynote speaker will be Dr Shams B. Syed (World Health Organisation).


15th of May, 9.35 – 10.45 – Human Face of Improving Care. Patient voice in planning and delivering Quality Improvement

This session will explore the importance of including patient experience and involving patient voice in QI interventions. It will be an interactive workshop featuring presentations from young people, parents and clinical teams. The session will be facilitated by Dr Jane Runnacles, the Royal Free hospital and Dr Alice Roueché, Evelina Children’s hospital.