
RCPCH &Us Engagement Collaborative

Resources and updates from the RCPCH &Us Engagement Collaborative and information on how you can join the co-production community.

By Megan · June 21, 2021

All health professionals working in child health are invited to join the RCPCH &Us Engagement Collaborative, where you’ll get regular email updates about increasing patient engagement and voice in your work, and we share the latest guidance and resources on how to involve children and young people in strategic decision-making and co-production.

Resources from the May 2021 collaborative newsletter include:

  • A new guidance note from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has been published, which makes clear that the UNCRC applies in the digital world. Guidance and information has been produced for states, organisations, children and young people on maintaining these rights digitally.
  • A new resource just released from Evaluation+Learning Consulting that shares tools, tips and resources to support online participation, and includes methods linked to creating ideas, collecting views, reviewing in groups and identifying actions and next steps.
  • A new toolkit available to tackle digital exclusion in communities with opportunities to contribute your own findings and learn from the experience of others.
  • New tips and hints on keeping online group work interesting and engaging for large groups.
  • The ‘Mind Of My Own’ platform with new tools for services who would like to survey children and young people on how services are doing through their ‘Shout’ toolkit.

Recent examples of children and young people’s voice shared in the May 2021 collaborative newsletter also include:

  • NHS England Youth Forum reports containing evidence and recommendations, all captured, reviewed and curated by young people across England. They share views, wishes and needs on a variety of topics, including trans and non binary access to health care, living with SEND or long term conditions, and the need to improve health education to reduce inequalities.
  • Research Design Service South East and the National Institute for Health Research Centre for Engagement and Dissemination have launched a ‘That Co-production Podcast‘ series to prompt debate and talk about the challenges and successes of co-production here.
  • FLARE, the young people’s advisory group to the Department for Education supported by the Council for Disabled Children have identified what professionals can do to support them moving forward post-lockdown and through the pandemic, explaining why participation in these conversations is vital. The resource supports professionals to ensure their communication works for the child and young person, looks at what makes quality support and the importance of mental health and wellbeing services for children and young people.

Sign up to the RCPCH &Us Engagement Collaborative newsletter here.

RCPCH &Us also publish a newsletter specifically created for children and young people aged 13 – 25 years and parent/carers. If you are a child, young person or family member, you can subscribe to the RCPCH &Us newsletter to hear about news, upcoming events and how to get involved with our children and young people’s team here.