
NHS SPOT & Inpatient PEWS Engagement Event

Together with RCPCH and RCN, NHS England and Improvement are hosting an online event about the new System-wide Paediatric Observations Tracking Programme.

By Megan · November 30, 2020

The RCPCH, Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) are co-hosting an online event on Tuesday 15th December 2020, 13:30-15:00pm GMT.

This interactive webinar will be used to update and engage with healthcare professionals within the NHS on the System-wide Paediatric Observations Tracking (SPOT) programme.

The webinar will be co-chaired by Prof Simon Kenny (National Clinical Director for Children and Young People at NHSEI) and Dr John Alexander (Officer for Clinical Standards and Quality Improvement at RCPCH).


  • Welcome and introductions – Prof Simon Kenny, National Clinical Director for Children and Young People, NHSE
  • A view from affected families – Elizabeth Stanley, Parent and Carer
  • Scope of the SPOT Programme and inpatient PEWS – Dr Damian Roland, Consultant and Honorary Associate Professor in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Leicester Hospitals and University
  • SPOT from an RCN perspective – Prof Dave Clarke, Associate Dean for Health, Social Care and Partnerships, University of the West of England, Bristol
  • Adopting regional change and learning for the national PEWS – Dr Kate Pryde, Consultant Paediatrician & Clinical Lead for Improvement, University Hospital Southampton & Allison Ahvee, Senior Sister, Poole Hospital
  • Round up and close – Dr John Alexander, Officer for Clinical Standards and Quality Improvement, RCPCH

There will be opportunities to interact during and after the webinar, including a question and answer session, and by Mentimeter (Menti), Microsoft Forms and the NHS Future Collaboration Platform.

Attendance for the event is free, but registration is required.

A recording of the event and details of further virtual engagement events can be found on the SPOT Programme’s FutureNHS Collaboration platform here.

More information is also available on the FutureNHS Collaboration platform of the NHSEI Children and Young People’s Transformation Team here.

If you do not have a user account on the FutureNHS Collaboration platform, you will be redirected to a log-in page where you can register with an NHS email address.


The Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme Team

NHS SPOT Programme, NHS England and Improvement