COVID19: Lessons From the Global Community

Resources and experiences shared by the global health community during the first surge of COVID19 outbreaks.

By Megan · March 26, 2020


Professor Nanshan Zhong, Director of the National Clinical Research Centre for Respiratory Disease, presents perspectives on the management of COVID-19 infection in China hosted by The European Respiratory Society, in collaboration with PREPARE EU and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control here.

An epidemiological study of paediatric COVID-19 patients in China by Shanghai Children’s Medical Centre, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, is available as a pre-publication release from the American Academy of Paediatrics here.


Dr Francesco Venneri joined colleagues at the International Society for Quality in Health Care to share his experience of the response to COVID-19 in Italy as both a clinical risk manager and an emergency response clinican working on the front line. The full recording is available here.

Published correspondence in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health by Lazzerini et al on delayed access or provision of paediatric care in Italy resulting from fear of COVID-19 here.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’s guidance on paediatric services, staffing and rotas and trainee progression during the COVID-19 response in the UK here.

COVID-19 e-learning programme for the health and care workforce created by Health Education England is now freely available for all here.

North America

Guidance from the USA on ways to prepare children’s hospitals for COVID-19 here.

Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity webinar by the USA Centres for Disease Control and Prevention for clinicians caring for children and pregnant women here.

USA Centres for Disease Control and Prevention morbidity and mortality weekly report on COVID-19 disease in children February 12th to April 2nd 2020 here.

Children’s Healthcare Canada Knowledge Exchange Network webinars on acute management of paediatric COVID-19 here, and with hospital leaders from Ontario and British Columbia on establishing and managing COVID-19 command centres in hospitals providing paediatric care, and the organisational activities required to lead and manage COVID-19 response and preparedness measures here.

Resources for health systems in low and middle income countries are regularly updated on the RCPCH Global Child Health Facebook page here.