COVID19: Virtual Consultations

Widespread rapid deployment of virtual consultations as new models of care in response to the COVID-19 outbreak is taking place.

By Megan · March 31, 2020

A number of online resources for setting up and running successful virtual consultations are available:

  • Alongside support from designated IT teams within each NHS Trust or Health Board, resources for setting up video consultations include:
    • Information governance guidance from NHSX here.
    • The Attend Anywhere and AccuRx platforms currently working with the NHS to enable video call access to health services.
  • Support and guidance for conducting virtual consultations include:
    • The Health Foundation webinar on introducing complex technology and service change to the health system presented by Prof Trish Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences at Oxford University here.
    • BMJ editorial by Prof Greenhalgh et al on video consultations for COVID-19 here.
    • Interview with Prof Greenhalgh by The Health Foundation on virtual consultations in the fight against COVID-19 using a QI mindset here.
    • Practical resources for clinicians and patients created by Barts Health NHS Trust here.
    • Principles of safe video consulting during COVID-19 published by the Royal College of General Practitioners, NHS England and NHS Improvement here.

Useful resources for healthcare professionals in a paediatric setting are also available:

  • Case study of a Health Foundation funded improvement project to introduce telepsychiatry in child and adolescent mental health services at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board here.
  • Top tips for running a telephone-based paediatric outpatient clinic from Free Open Access Medical Education supported by the London School of Paediatrics here.
  • A recording of the RCPCH webinar ‘remote consultations – opportunities and risks for paediatrics’ available on Compass here.

The accelerated scale-up and spread of virtual consultations at this time may provide proof of concept to increasingly embed these systems in clinical practice.