COVID19: Workforce Wellbeing

Support and resources from the paediatric healthcare community focussing on workforce wellbeing during the COVID19 pandemic.

By Megan · April 14, 2020

Updated RCPCH guidance on planning paediatric staffing and rotas during the COVID-19 response was recently published here.

It calls on the child health community to link up across all services used by children and young people to maintain as much paediatric care on as many sites as safely as possible and ensure there are no unintended consequences of this crisis. The key principles of the guidance are:

  • This is a marathon not a sprint. We need to do our best to try to sustainably support all grades and forms of staff, in order that they can provide appropriate services for children and young people.
  • Flexibility and adaptability. As the situation evolves we need to engage in system wide thinking tailored to the local outbreak, geography, and pressure in other sectors.
  • Put your own oxygen mask on first. Our healthcare workforce is fundamental to facing this unprecedented challenge – look after yourself and your colleagues.

It is paramount that wellbeing of staff is not neglected during these times. Virtual wellbeing sessions hosted by NHS Horizons every Wednesday at 4pm are available here.

A wellbeing hub with resources to support healthcare professionals working in paediatrics and child health has been launched by the RCPCH here.

Peer support from our front-line paediatrics community is also available:

  1. The North Thames Paediatric Network and South Thames Paediatric Network have joined forces with clinical psychologists from across the paediatric hospitals in London to form the Pan Thames Paediatric Wellbeing Hub. A series of webinars aimed at wellbeing of paediatric staff throughout COVID-19 is available to watch here.
  2. ‘From Crisis to Calm’ by Dr Sanjay Suri with virtual mindfulness sessions hosted by Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust every weekday at 12.30pm here.
  3. ‘Enhancing Our Wellbeing and Resilience’ webinar presented by Dr Bov Jani here.
  4. The Don’t Forget The Bubbles COVID-19 clinician care and kindness online area here.
  5. The London School of Paediatrics COVID-19 tea and empathy virtual meet-ups on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8pm here.

A new NHS Bereavement & Trauma Line providing support, including a team of specialist counsellors and support workers, has been made available to support NHS staff affected by COVID-19.  This assistance is available from anywhere in the country and is provided by Hospice UK and can support staff:

  • who have experienced a bereavement
  • whose wellbeing has been affected by witnessing trauma as part of their work
  • to discuss any other anxiety or emotional issues they are experiencing as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.

The service is open to all NHS workers and is available, seven days a week, between 8am and 8pm. All calls will be treated in the strictest of confidence and you do not need a referral. The number is 0300 303 4434.