
Did You Know About the Medicines Committee?

The RCPCH actively strives to improve medicines safety and influence medication standards nationally.

By Megan · September 24, 2018

The Medicines Committee is a collaborative standing committee with joint membership between RCPCH and Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group (NPPG). Meeting three times a year, it advises external agencies and supports a range of activities to ensure that the medications prescribed for children and young people are safe and effective and provided by appropriately trained healthcare professionals.

In the coming months, the Medicines Committee will work with education colleagues to redefine the Medicines Safety strategy so it can deliver the training required to future paediatricians.

The RCPCH hosts the Medicines Committee partnered with NPPG, and membership from RPS, MHRA and ABPI amongst others.

The committee are working on policies and statements in the following key areas:

  • Specials
  • Delayed prescribing
  • Sodium Valproate
  • Cannabidiol + THC
  • Brexit

For more information about the committee please visit our webpage here where we hope to publish information in each of the above topics shortly.

You can find information about the current position on cannabis-derived medicinal products here.