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Forward Thinking: Seeking Alternatives to Bleeps
A quality improvement project to reduce the number of bleeps for non-urgent tasks using a novel, secure messaging platform. It is effective but there are challenges with IT infrastructure and information and data governance considerations.
Getting Home in Time for Tea: Streamlining Discharges From a General Paediatric Ward
This quality improvement project focused on improving the timelines of discharges on a general paediatric ward. Through numerous PDSA cycles a significant improvement in the number of patients being discharged earlier in the day was achieved.
How Do We Encourage a Change of Behaviour Around Colleagues Taking Breaks?
Are you Hungry? Angry? Late or Lonely? Tired? How can we encourage a change of behaviour around taking breaks? You can find more information here.
Impact of Implementation of Surgical Pathway for Abdominal Pain on Initial Assessment Time, Investigations and Outcomes
Historically, in our District General Hospitals, paediatric patients with abdominal pain were seen acutely by surgical teams. Patients referred to surgeons with abdominal pain faced a long wait with delays affecting Paediatric Assessment Unit flow and ward capacity. An abdominal pain pathway was implemented in July 2019. 88% of patients with abdominal pain had a […]
Implementation of A Multidisciplinary Weekly Safety Briefing in A Tertiary Paediatric Cardiothoracic Transplant Unit
A quality improvement project designed to provide a platform for pan-departmental communication to improve efficiency, safety and patient care in a tertiary paediatric cardiothoracic unit.
Implementation of a Prolonged Neonatal Jaundice Pathway: A Quality Improvement Initiative
I undertook a retrospective data collection Audit in May 2019 to review the PNJ referral pathway implemented in 2015. The data I found supports the success of this program with a marked reduction in unnecessary referrals to Neonatal Clinic.
Improving Awareness of Staff Wellbeing in a Paediatric Haematology/Oncology Unit
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives personally and professionally, and the wellbeing of healthcare staff is a key priority. Our aim was to increase awareness of, and engagement in, wellbeing, and to embed it within our department. We undertook a number of small PDSA projects; conducting an online staff survey and introducing weekly themed […]
Improving Efficacy of Hydroxycarbamide Prescriptions in Paediatric Sickle Cell Disease
A QI project in a district general hospital, introducing a reliable, sustainable method of monitoring blood results to facilitate effective dose-adjustments of Hydroxycarbamide in children with sickle-cell disease.
Improving Nutritional Intake in Extremely Preterm Infants in the First Week of Life
By making changes to our parenteral nutrition formulation and monitoring, we were able to demonstrate an improvement in calorie and protein intake in preterm infants of less than 28 weeks gestation in the first week of life.
Improving Paediatric Prescribing Through Use Of An Electronic Prescribing System
Paediatric prescriptions are almost 50% more likely to contain an error than adult orders. The risk of prescription error is further increased when prescribing for malignant disease. In April 2012, the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) launched the world’s first national Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) database. Since 2014 it has been mandatory for […]
Improving Primary Care Assessment of Children under Five Presenting with Fever
This project aimed to review and improve primary care assessment and management of pyrexia in children under five with the introduction of a succinct and simple electronic template that prompts recording of vital signs as recommended by NICE.
Improving Research Opportunities for Paediatric Trainees
A recent national survey showed only 45% of paediatric consultants participate in research. We designed a survey for paediatric trainees working in a Neonatal Unit, which highlighted several barriers to participation including time constraints and a lack of apparent opportunities, consistent with qualitative research findings. Multiple events were then held over a 6-month period including […]