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Improving the Efficiency of a Treatment Room in a London Tertiary Children’s Hospital
Improvement in equipment gathering efficiency could reduce pre-procedure anxiety faced by patients and parents, reduce delays in time-critical situations where IV access is needed urgently and save crucial time and money. Simple interventions were introduced to reduce the median total time for healthcare professionals to collect essential paediatric IV cannulation items from the treatment room […]
Improving the Investigation of UTI in a Paediatric Emergency Department
This poster presents a clinical development and cost reduction project for improving the investigation of UTI in a paediatric emergency department. The audit was conducted between October 2019 and March 2020.
Improving the Quality and Safety of the Paediatric Team Handover
Guidance on clinical handover states that handover of care is one of the most perilous procedures in medicine and can be a significant contributory factor to subsequent error and harm to patients if done improperly. Baseline measurement showed a median 36% compliance with safe handover guidance. Following the addition of safety briefing points to the […]
Initiative to Improve Clinical Coding for Patient Admission Episode by Recording Patient’s Co-morbidities
This poster highlights using QI methodology to improve the depth of clinical coding by identifying the need, regular discussions, reviewing data, designing comorbidity sheet and regular training/teaching around it.
Innovating and Leading Change: A Practical Guide To Implementing a Regional ST1 Teaching Course
Over the last 6-years, by analysing trainee feedback and working together with the head of school, we have been able to develop a unique course, which provide a high-quality teaching to prepare trainees for their FOP/TAS examinations.
Innovative Quality Improvement Project to Improve Oral Health Knowledge and Practices of Children with Diabetes
The need to improve early diagnosis, prevention and co-management of diabetes and oral health conditions is well documented. This project set out to assess and increase patient knowledge about oral health in a paediatric diabetic outpatient clinic.
Inter-professional Tripartite Alliance to Reduce Medication Errors in Children
As part of this project, we aimed to reduce the incidence and severity of medication errors on paediatric wards. We achieved this by creating a tripartite alliance between medicine, nursing and pharmacology.
Introducing a Remote Cross-Specialty Medical Handover at a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital
At Alder Hey, 9 specialty teams hand over to an on-call team. Following feedback from an Health Education England quality review, which highlighted poor attendance, variation in levels of consultant engagement and limited educational opportunities, a trainee-led improvement programme was developed using guidance from the British Medical Association and National Patient Safety Agency. Data from […]
Junior-Led Improvement Project: Improving Morning Handovers’ Quality and Length in a District General Hospital with the Introduction of a Handover Checklist
This project aimed to provide a consistent structure to our morning handover – highlighting key components such as unwell children & staffing levels. Our data showed engagement with the checklist as well as variation in start times and duration.
Keep Calm and Intubate: Neonatal Intubation Safety Checklists Reduce Anxiety and Increase Safety
Our project launched intubation safety checklists in our level 2 Neonatal Unit in a District General Hospital, to improve safety and documentation and reduce stress of neonatal intubations.
Learning from the Deaths of Children and Young People (National Hub): Using Evidence to Deliver Change and Improve Outcomes
Scotland has a higher mortality rate for under 18s than any other Western European country, with over 300 children and young people dying every year. It is estimated that around a quarter of those deaths could be prevented. The Scottish Government requested a system be established for reviewing and learning from the circumstances surrounding the […]
Management of Croup: A Quality Improvement Project
In 2019, following anecdotal reports of high numbers of croup admissions receiving nebulised adrenaline, we carried out a QI project of acute croup management in the Oxford Children’s Hospital. Interventions were developed to improve clinical knowledge of croup management and enhance support structures for staff treating croup patients. Following intervention in Autumn 2020, 32 patients […]