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Medicines Optimisation in Special Schools
To support, tackle and raise awareness of health inequalities in the special education needs or disabilities sector, with a particular focus on improving medication safety standards and processes at school. This is a relatively new and untapped area for medicines optimisation where pharmacy workforce transformation can make a huge impact.
Medicines Optimisation in Special Schools
Sending this submission with our poster for the project – refer to original full submission sent earlier with the full report. Apologies as unable to send both attachments together.
National Impact of RCPCH Best Practice Guide on Timing of Detection of Cleft Palate – Time to Adopt Successful Local Quality Improvement Initiatives
Impact of the RCPCH Best Practice Guide to examination of the palate on rates of delayed detection of cleft palate in the UK, including details of a Quality Improvement Project at Medway Hospital, Kent to improve early detection. This poster has an additional audio link, please see here.
Neo-train Quality Improvement Initiative to Improve EOSIN (Early Onset Sepsis in Neonates) Care as per NICE Recommendation
Average time of antibiotic administration improved from 120 minutes to 90 minutes. Success of the Neo-train Quality Improvement initiative was its use of a multidisciplinary team approach to design and deliver the implementation program.
Newborn and Infant Physical Examination: Quality Improvement in the English Newborn Screening Pathway
The Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) screening programme screens newborn babies within 72 hours of birth in England for congenital heart disease, congenital cataracts, developmental dysplasia of the hip, and bilateral or unilateral undescended testes. Completion of NIPE screening is managed on the national NIPE IT system SMaRT4NIPE (S4N) implemented in all 136 maternity […]
Oxygen Saturation Targeting in Infants on the Neonatal Unit
Pulse oximetry used in the neonatal period helps monitor and reduce the risks of hypoxaemia and hyperoxaemia. An audit reviewed current practice of prescribing oxygen and monitoring oxygen saturation in the neonatal unit at Southend University Hospital, a Level 2 unit with 18 cots. Departmental teaching of guidelines, introduction of standardised prescribing stickers in the […]
Paediatric Burn Care: The Adequacy of Cool Running Water First Aid
Appropriate initial management of paediatric thermal burns is key to the prevention and reduction of complications including scarring, chronic pain and sensory disturbance. Guidelines recommend all patients receive 20 minutes of cool running water up to 3 hours following injury. A retrospective study of patients presenting with thermal burns in a three-month period in 2019 […]
Paediatric Rapid Reviews: Do They Enable Timely Patient Review and Appropriate Escalation?
Rapid reviews (RRs) were introduced in Bristol Royal Hospital for Children (BRHC) in 2017 as part of a Trust-wide patient safety initiative. RRs aim to improve the rapid assessment and expectant management of unwell patients, and prevent unrecognised deterioration on the wards. All RR calls in 2018 and 2019 were reviewed using hospital switchboard and […]
Parental Concern Within PEWS: Auditing and Exploring Current Practice
There is great variation in Paediatric Early Warning Scores (PEWS) across the country, with 47 different parameters used in various combinations and a new national standardised tool in development. One parameter that is not always used is parental concern and our audit and questionnaire of staff and parents/carers showed there is considerable scope to improve […]
Parental Perceptions on Childhood Vaccination and Vaccines Uptake
In 2019 WHO listed vaccine hesitancy as one of the top ten threats to global health and there was evidence of reduced uptake of routine immunisation in the local population of East Lancashire Hospital Trust. Baseline data was collected via anonymous questionnaire from parents at COAU and on the Children’s Ward. Results showed parents were […]
PIP: One Paediatric Department’s Quality Improvement Journey
The Paediatric Improvement Plan (PIP) is a 12 workstream plan covering the main paediatric areas in the hospital as well as key themes such as medicines management. Objectives included documentation of policies and practices; ensuring nursing training competencies were met, documented and used to facilitate safe rostering; standardising paperwork and practices; and improving governance communication. […]
Prescription of Paracetamol as an Antipyretic in Paediatrics: Analysis of Practices in a National Teaching Hospital
Prescriptions of paracetamol for paediatric inpatients at Mater Dei Hospital, a national acute and teaching hospital in Malta, were analysed for sources of error with the British National Formulary for Children used to establish the correct prescribing standard. 54.5% of prescriptions we found to not follow the correct standard leading to incorrect dosing. Of these […]