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Prolonged Jaundice Clinic: Are We Doing Too Many Tests?
This was a project which aimed to rationalise and reduce the number of investigations and potentially unnecessary repeat tests being carried out in our prolonged jaundice clinic.
Providing Individualised Feedback to Improve the Rates of Prescription Errors
This summarises a quality improvement project which was established to reduce the rates of prescription errors by providing doctors with individualised feedback.
Quality Improvement Project on Handover Sessions in the Paediatric Department of a District General Hospital
The aim of this project was to improve the quality of morning handover in the paediatric department. Methodology was by use of questionnaires to conduct a survey pre- and post-intervention. The results showed an improvement .
RCPCH QI Diabetes Collaborative: Improving the Clinic Experience
In recent years Gloucestershire Paediatric Diabetes Team have implemented many changes like carbohydrate counting from diagnosis, annual review clinics and family events but we realised that patient engagement and experience is very essential to improve their health outcomes. We aim to improve the clinic experience for patients, their families and staff, based on their own […]
Real Time Resource Locator for Acute Neonatal Transfer Service (ANTS): LocANTS, A Combined Tool and System for Efficiency Gains in Acute Neonatal Transfer
LocANTS is a unique QI project with lots research potential which is translatable to any acute care setting and beyond. We are at proof of concept stage, and was delayed from operational angle because of the pandemic. We hope to publish further evidence soon.
Reducing Fasting Times in Paediatric Surgical Patients: “The Ticking Clock”
We describe our quality improvement project entitled “The Ticking Clock” that aimed to reduce the time paediatric surgical patients spent fasted.
Reducing Paracetamol Errors in Children
A paediatric multidisciplinary team work together to reduce the number of paracetamol errors reported in clinical areas by staging a number of interventions based on the reported incident trends
Reducing Second Hand Smoke Exposure in Children by Providing Smoking Cessation Advice During an Acute Admission for Respiratory Illness to West Middlesex University Hospital Paediatric Services
The harms of second hand smoke exposure in children are well established, but clinicians and parents are sometimes unaware of or ignore these harms. We have produced a leaflet and poster to raise awareness of these harms, to support parents in accessing smoking cessation services, and to support clinicians in discussing smoking cessation with parents.
Reflection and Learning from Six Years of Mortality Reviews: A District General Hospital’s Experience
This project identifies common learning points from a series of mortality reviews and describes actionable changes implemented that will improve patient care.
Remotely Enhancing Our APLS and CPRR Education in Response to COVID-19
When COVID-19 hit, ALSG had to quickly adapt their education programmes to ensure training was safe and sustainable. The RCPCH endorsed APLS course, and the RCPCH joint Child Protection (CPRR) course, have been adapted and made accessible in a remote environment, allowing for safe delivery of essential training, with learning still very much at the […]
Retinopathy of Prematurity: A study of Incidence and Risk Factors in Premature neonates in Pakistan.
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a vasoproliferative ocular disease of multifactor aetiology, secondary to inadequate retinal vascularization. The incidence of ROP is high in very low birth weight (VLBW) and very preterm babies and is strongly associated with especially those who require oxygen therapy.
Retinopathy of Prematurity: A study of Incidence and Risk Factors in Premature neonates in Pakistan.
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a vasoproliferative ocular disease of multifactor aetiology, secondary to inadequate retinal vascularization. The incidence of ROP is high in very low birth weight (VLBW) and very preterm babies and is strongly associated with especially those who require oxygen therapy.