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Safe and Timely Step-down From an Internal PICU: A Patient Safety Priority But One Full of Challenges
Introduction of handover templates for the hospital patient management system have improved communication and documentation of discharge plans from PICU doctors to paediatric ward teams, thereby increasing patient safety and continuity of care.
Setting up home testing in paediatric services
Regular microbiological sampling via cough swab or sputum is vital for children with chronic suppurative lung disease (CSLD). As covid-19 hit, outpatient clinics became virtual which limited the ability to perform tests. The paediatric physiotherapy team rapidly implemented a remote testing service. Subsequently, they worked with the Transformation team to centralise a trust-wide home testing […]
Snap and Share – A Novel Approach to Medical Education
We aimed to maximise junior doctors’ learning from each teaching opportunity and share it with as many colleagues as possible.
Sustained Enhancement of Team Learning Two Years After Implementing a Simple Initiative
We hope to demonstrate by example how a very simple initiative can achieve success and longevity in promoting a culture of team learning, quality improvement and patient safety in a busy paediatric centre.
Team EQUIP (Education in Quality Improvement in Paediatrics)
This poster summarises Team EQUIP, the Salisbury-wide team-based paediatric focused QI training programme funded by HEE (Wessex). Please get in touch if you would like to know more or have any questions.
The Preterm Quality of Care (PQoC) group – Using QI Initiatives to Improve Patient Care
Description of 3 initiatives introduced over 2 years on the neonatal unit at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital which greatly improved outcomes of babies born at less than 30 weeks gestation.
The Role of Virtual Clinics in Reducing Demand for Outpatient Clinics – A Pilot Study for Antenatally Detected Hydronephrosis Pathway at a District General Hospital
We evaluate the use of ‘virtual clinics’ in place of traditional face-to-face clinic for antenatally detected hydronephrosis to effectively manage the increasing demand for outpatient clinics in a District General Hospital.
Thematic Analysis of the Experiences of Parents and Carers of Children in Hospital
Positive experiences in hospital are important indicators of healthcare quality which is a fundamental aspect of practising medicine. The aim of this project was to investigate the experience of parents and carers of children in hospital and gather their suggestions on how to alleviate potential concerns. Competent, caring and honest staff made parents feel involved […]
Think Magnesium: Concerted Multidisciplinary Improvement Initiative to Increase Antenatal Magnesium Uptake in Less Than 30-week Preterm Births
Maternal administration of magnesium sulfate reduces risk of cerebral palsy by 30 % in < 30 week babies. Despite national guidance, compliance at our centre was poor in 2016. Our work entails a concerted multidisciplinary effort to improve this.
Time for a KitKat? An Analysis of Night Shift Break Habits in Junior Doctors at Evelina London
Our project looked at the night shift break taking habits of junior doctors in speciality and general teams. We identified barriers to break taking through a baseline survey and then implemented interventions to improve the level of break taking.
Transcutaneous Bilirubinometer and Home Phototherapy
This poster describes the the evidence base use of a transcutaneous bilirubinometer (TCB) in the management pathway of well, jaundiced babies and the setup of the home phototherapy system, in a tertiary emergency department.
Transforming Education and Trainee Experience Using Quality Improvement
This QIP demonstrates the key interventions used to improve Paediatric Trainee satisfaction in local teaching and education. Using the PDSA framework, we were able to make a positive impact in all areas teaching targeted.