
Get Inspired: Learnings from the MedsIQ Champions Network – Summer 2017

Listen to two lively champions webinars hosted on February 7th and May 2nd 2017 with guest speakers from the STAMP project and Birmingham Children's Hospital.

By Megan · May 17, 2017

On February 7th and May 2nd, 2017 we hosted some lively champions webinars!

In February 2017, we held a Champions’ webinar with Dr Richa Ajitsaria and Dr Tristan Bate presenting their project on Safe Treatment and Administration of Medicines in Paediatrics (STAMP). The presentation was followed by a discussion on the project and some shared challenges experienced by participants around double checking of prescriptions, interruptions and reporting medication errors:

For the May 2017 webinar, our guest speaker Dr Jeff Martin presented on the development project for a paediatric medication safety thermometer at Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

The webinar also included a brief update on MedsIQ and RCPCH activities, as well as updates from our MedsIQ Champions: