
Get Inspired: Learnings from the MedsIQ Champions Network – June 2016

We are always very pleased to share with you the experiences of some MedsIQ Champions in their projects' development. Find out more about the hospital prescribing indicators of potential harm for infants and children, and listen to a webinar on the development of Neomate.

By Megan · June 15, 2016

Developing consensus on hospital prescribing indicators of potential harm for infants and children

A set of 41 paediatric prescribing indicators describing potential harm for the hospital setting have been identified by an expert panel.  The indicators provide a standardised method of evaluation of prescribing data on both paper and electronic systems.  They can also be used to assess implementation of clinical decision support systems or other quality improvement initiatives.

The indicators are currently being incorporated into an electronic data collection tool that will become freely available to centres wishing to assess the impact of changes to their prescribing process including implementation or electronic prescribing or changes in clinical decision support.

You can view the abstract in full online in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 

Champions Network Webinar: Drug Calculator Apps and Other Prescribing Support Tools.

Listen to Dr Chris Kelly (the developer of Neomate, an award winning neonatal emergency drug calculator) give a presentation about key challenges and benefits in apps’ use and development in paediatric care. This is followed by discussions where other champions share their experiences and ideas: