
Micro-QI Series 2021

Introducing the new QI Central micro-QI series launching in 2021 developed by RCPCH QI trainee representatives and expert QI trainers to help anyone taking their first steps in QI.

By Megan · December 9, 2020

It can be confusing knowing where to start with quality improvement. Finding your way through quality improvement methodology can sometimes feel like a maze of PDSAs, small tests of change, driver diagrams, fishbones, run-charts, stakeholders and measures.

When you’re just about to embark on your own QI journey, large-scale programmes of change can be intimidating, and improvement is daunting. Just as ‘safety is everyone’s business’; improvement is also embedded in our everyday practice, but the ‘how’ is often a myriad of complexity and challenges.

Next year, QI Central is working with RCPCH QI trainee representatives and expert QI trainers to create a new micro-QI series. Providing an overview of quality improvement in a series of short modules, we hope it can help anyone taking their first steps in quality improvement.

We would like to hear from you, so we can make sure we are meeting your needs. All responses will remain confidential and anonymous and help us to improve on this journey too.

Please complete the short 5-minute questionnaire here.

We look forward to the launch of the micro-QI series soon!


The QI Central Project Board


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