
NHS SPOT Programme Update: January 2021

Development and implementation of a national paediatric early warning system in hospital settings led by NHS England.

By Megan · January 13, 2021

In June 2018, NHS England & NHS Improvement, the RCPCH and the Royal College of Nursing came together to establish a joint National Paediatric Early Warning System Programme Board for England.

In 2020, this was formally launched as the NHS SPOT (System-wide Paediatric Observations Tracking) Programme led by the NHS England Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme team.

The ambition is to develop a consistent approach and common language to promptly recognise and respond to the acutely ill or deteriorating infant, child or young person in all hospital settings across England.

A paper was published in October 2020 on details of a pre-implementation survey conducted by the programme team for a standardised approach to paediatric early warning systems. In January 2021, the case for change was published in Archives of Disease in Childhood (available online here).

An initial virtual engagement event for healthcare professionals working in the NHS was organised in December 2020 and a designated online space is being established on the FutureNHS Collaboration platform.

NHS SPOT have now opened an application process for expressions of interest for inpatient trialling of the paediatric early warning system supported by Patient Safety Collaboratives at selected hospital sites. The deadline for submissions is 29th January 2021 and selection will take place shortly after this.

More information is available on the NHSE Children and Young People’s Transformation team page.

For any queries, please contact the NHS SPOT inbox at: