
RCPCH EQIP – a QI Collaborative for Paediatric Epilepsy Teams

We are launching the first QI collaborative in paediatric epilepsy care, as part of the Epilepsy12 clinical audit activities and in partnership with the OPEN UK network.

By Megan · July 8, 2019

Following the success of our QI collaborative pilot in diabetes (which has since developed into a scaled up national programme), we are now launching the first QI collaborative in paediatric epilepsy care, as part of the Epilepsy12 clinical audit activities and in partnership with the OPEN UK network.

Over the last year, we have worked with a group of epilepsy specialist advisors representing different OPEN UK regions, to identify the right approach for the project, based on scoping the needs of the epilepsy community. The pilot collaborative, which will run from November 2019 through to April 2020, will provide 10-12 epilepsy teams with bespoke training and support focussed around high-performing team development, quality improvement and stakeholder engagement, giving them the tools and structure to improve their services, within their capacity and set-up.

Whilst similar in the mode of delivery, this collaborative is yet more than a reiteration of a similar programme of work in diabetes or elsewhere – the specific approach and content of the pilot training is a result of a reflective investigation into the services and what would best support them.

More information on the RCPCH website.